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Being A Successful Leader



Being a Self-Aware and Skillful Leader

  1. The Value To Knowing The Real You
  2. Discovering the Inner You
  3. Discovering Your Strengths
  4. Capitalizing Your Strengths
  5. Freeing Up More Discretionary Time
  6. Sharpening Your Perspective Skills
  7. The Structure of Magic: Skillfully Communicating about Differences
  8. Using Natural And Adaptive Behaviors
  9. Self Coaching: Making Personal Behavioral Changes

Formulating and Executing a Sound Strategy

10. Strategic Framework
11. Defining Purpose
12. Clarifying Core Values
13. Conducting A Situation Analysis
14. Crafting a Translatable, Actionable Vision
15. Charting A Strategic Path
16. Crafting Action Plans: Project Specifications
17. Crafting Action Plans: Work Planning
18. Executing the Sound Strategy
19. The Business Case For Building A Culture Of Commitment

Building a Cuture of Commitment

20. Understanding Motivation: Commitment Vs. Compliance
21. How To Go About Building A Culture Of Commitment
22. Selecting the Right People
23. Developing Shared Expectations
24. Performance Coaching
25. Analyzing and Resolving Performance Discrepancies
26. Growing Teams


  1. Leadership Begins with You
  2. Staying Fit: Life Balance
  3. Staying Fit: Some Common Sense Wellness Practices
  4. Contrasting the Amateur and the Professional Leader
  5. Characteristics of Admired Leaders
  6. Vulnerability
  7. Your Leadership Voice
  8. Cognitive Skills and Character Skills
  9. Approaches to Managing
  10. Leader-Manager Decision-Making Options
  11. Using the Collaborative Leader-Manager Decision-Making Option
  12. The Art of Delegating
  13. Organization-wide Delegation
  14. Meetings, Damn Meetings
  15. One-on-One Meetings
  16. Telling Your Life Story
  17. The Gap Analysis Tool
  18. Stages of Organizational Growth and Strategic Implications
  19. Organization Design
  20. Results Based Training
  21. Constructive Discipline
  22. Continuous Performance Management
  23. Planning and Managing Your Larger Projects
  24. Coaching Your New Associate
  25. Leader as Giver, not Taker
  26. Dimensions of Success